Those New Year Resolutions

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.”
“• Edith Lovejoy Pierce

A board with some yellow post it notes on top of itIt becomes a tad stressful, as we grow older, to accept howfasttimemoves. How does that happen? I try to wake upearlier,slowdown, maybetakea nap. On days when I can’t sleep and start my day early morning, thedaystillhaswings. it’s time for those New Year Resolutions.

As thisyearnears completion,I prepare a cleanjournalfor theNewYear.On the inside cover is a listof five to ten things Iwant toaccomplishin2018and I keep themsimplebutattainable. Tasks assimpleas spring cleaning, or as complex as painting the house go there, but only if I think they areachievable. Ialwaystriedgoalssuch as to lose some astronomicalnumberof weight, orquitsmoking, but they never happened. SoIquitwriting these down.


“Settingsmall,attainablegoalsthroughouttheyear, instead of a singular, overwhelminggoalonJanuary1canhelp you reachwhateverit is you strive for,”sayspsychologist Lynn Bufka,PhD.

Iquitusing theword, “intention”. While I havealwayshad thebestofintentions, (didn’tyou?) theynevermaterialized. Nothing other thanberatingmyself with disappointment, guilt and little to no expectations gets accomplished.What’s needed is a strong, solidword in its place.


Dr. WayneDyerhas discussed overtimehowthe processofallowingintentionstomanifestis not aboutattractingwhatyouwantbutattractingwhatyouare.

In theHua Hu Ching, written byLao Tzuwhich hold unknown teachings ofLao Tzu.Number51;Dr.Dyersays discusses that those whowant toknowthetruthof the universe should practice fourcardinalvirtues.

Oneis reverence for all of life.This manifests as unconditional love and respect for oneself and all other beings.

Two is a natural sincerity: honesty, simplicity, and faithfulness.

Threeis a gentleness, akindnessand consideration forotherswith sensitivity tospiritualtruth.

Fouris supportiveness: service tootherswithout expectation of reward.

Dr.Dyerexplains thesefourvirtuesas a frequency (ofenergy) thatmanifestitself through giving:allowing, offering and serving. I refer to this as a trusting ofthe process.

We maywant toask ourselves:

  1. Do weknow who and what we are?Ifattractinganew behavioris not what wewant butrather who we are then, who are we? Before wemanifestanything,weneedtohave aknowingof what we are, for the highest good.
  2. What would eachonerepresent for us?Canyouseeyourself inthisnewbehavioror physical transformation? Find a picture that might bring you to it and post one or more where you’re reminded daily of this behavior-changinggoal.
  3. What are my motives and plan of action for each? Would you be doing this because it’swhatyou want or someone else wants for you? The motivationcanbe different.
  4. Progress Not Perfection:Treat yourself withlovingkindnessmost of all. We are on top ofberatingourselves but that just throws in the towel.Takeitsmall,takeitslow, andtakeitas thelovingcoach you are to yourself. YOU are yourbestadvocate.

Behavioralchangestaketime.Makeyour resolvesmall,achievableandimportantenough to carry them out. Butweneedtoallow for grace inwhateverchangeswemakewhile staying the course.

Each New Year Eve, I light a candle in a quiet, meditative-induced surrounding and look at the abovefourcardinalvirtues, while answering my own questions ofhowimportantare they, adding more of my own. I pray for their fulfillment and ask what am I missing?

Half-way throughtheyear, Ireturn to myjournalto check off those that havemanifestand examine whether the remaining arestillasimportantas I thought they were six monthsearlier. Adjustments may be needed tocomplete myyear.

On our collectivespiritualjourneys of the heartthisNewYear, we open ourselves to possibilities by taking whatwe needand leaving the rest. I trust you will do the same.

I would so enjoy hearing what continues to work for you and what doesn’t. Until then, thank you for reading me.

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