I’m so grateful that you found me and that you are here, too, right this moment.
I’ve created this website for you–those of us interested in the spirituality of our journey and ways to change our lives through recovery of your choice. That’s why I’m here, to provide you with hope, strength, and a willingess so that you may begin a desire to recover from your addictions. Recovery no longer holds the same stigma, and is available to everyone, as it was for me. Regardless of the route you chose to recover, my joy is to show you there IS a wonderful awe-inspiring life AFTER recovery, a life filled with miracles impossible to comprehend.
The About tab tells you a bit about me. When you move over to my Miracles of Recovery tab, you will see purchasing information for the complete series. This powerful 365-day book of inspirations explores the influence miracles has for all of us. Regardless of your drugs of choice, there is something for everyone to relate to. You will begin to see and identify with yourself on the pages.
If you like what you see, you’ll enjoy my blogs and surprises that await you just for signing up for my newsletters! I hope you will join us.
Please return here often and let me know in your comments what you would like to see the most so I can bring you what you need. Thank you for stopping by. Please share this with others, would you?
please let me know as soon as you get your book published. I’d like to buy it. This is a big subject in many big cities in the US. “The opiod epidemic.”
It certainly is a subject that is top on news in buffalo, NY,
Your book sounds so interesting I cannot wait for it to be published. Hurry UP!!!
Your friend from Tonawanda, NY
Mary Ann
Hi Beth
I love this. Looking forward to reading more from you.
Thanks for sharing
I’m so glad that we meet again in our common endeavors. Thank you Patti.
Patti, next time I’ll be more on the ball responding to my viewers. I apologize.
So grateful for your kind notes here. Please do stay in touch. I’m trying to write weekly blogs
so you’ll miss a lot otherwise!~ You have my email. I need your expertise to some questions
so I’ll be writing you soon.
Kindest regards,
Harriet –
Me too
I hope that your book and website find a wide audience, you are such a voice for hope and courage and encouragement. Your belief in fresh beginnings is inspiring.
Adrian, thank you so much for your support and encouragement. We’ve a long way to go.
Adrian, please forgive the lateness of my reply. We’ve been hard at work taking your suggestion about the address/email
entries and thank you for that. I so appreciate your kind feedback.
Nice info and i hope you will get more audience and also your book will sell for sure..
Ajay. How awesome to see you here! I really appreciate your feedback, and the
fact that you took the time to write your observations here. Please pass it on
to others you know may have an interest — I am just a little over a week here up
and running so I know it will take much time. One day at a time we do what we can, eye?
Harriret –
Wow bro Namaskaram to you . Yeah i am very much happy that you replied to my comment on your post and i am so glad that you posting some useful and related infos to any bloggers like mine . Though you just started up a week back ,you are doing wonderful and yeah one day i will come and meet you ! sure
In the meantime, please continue to receive your blogs automatically by signing up if you’d like.
At a minimum, I’m glad you returned, and happy to be of service. Thank you!
Your book sounds amazing and should be a huge help and comfort for all. I can hardly wait to read it. What an inspiration you are!
Lyla, thank you so much for your kindness. I hope a comfort, it will be.
I’m here to gain any help that I can for my own personal recovery. There’s nothing like someone else’s experience strength and hope. Great strength is gained from this. I’m also willing to share my experience strength and hope to others and who knows it might just help someone else.
Forrest, so wonderful to see you here. I appreciate your kind words, but I especially am grateful how your own
ES&H helps me too. Your being here is validation that it works when we work it.
I really appreciate your site. So many are afraid to discuss these topics and I look forward to reading more
Thank you for your kindness Chuck. You and the work that you do, helps so many others as well! I hope you’ll stop back often.