Alcohol and Drug Addiction on SPIRITUALITY:Trust the Process

“We are either in the process of resisting God’s truth or in the process of being shaped and molded by his truth.” Charles Stanley


I’m so grateful that you found me sober and full of hope, and that you’re here too, right this moment. Before you begin this journey to spirituality here, take a deep breath in and then out as you set yourself to be open, aware and willing to embrace the gray–that place in the middle where our thinking becomes oxygenated, guided by positive intuitive inspirations.

A forest with sun shining through the trees.The grey is where our trust resides. It is not in the black and white of extremes or false beliefs, but right here, where your own thought process meets your instinctive know-how that tells you who you are, where you are, and, where it is you think you want to be.


I’ve heard it said that to trust this walk of spirituality, Is nothing more than moving through life with faith. One metaphysical definition explains that everything we desire is out there waiting to be released from our alignment of frequency and vibrations of our highest selves.

So, since we are all moving through life and, in this moment you happen to be here, we could conclude it’s because something within you resonates with energy in the here and now. In other words, there are no mistakes or coincidences. This is a walk of faith.

If we think about trusting the process, we take for granted so much is done for us automatically. How is that possible?

Some Thoughts to Consider

1. If we embrace our authentic selves, what would be standing in our way today?

2. Pay close attention to what it is we ask for (as the saying goes, because you just might get it.)

3. As we begin to allow our day to unfold and put one foot in front of the other, we invite the Universe, a Great Spirit, that which is more powerful than us, to join us, even lead the way. By making room, we assume a position of humility which opens our hearts to attunement of what already is in this moment.

This process of spirituality we trust begins with faith, and our first breath of fresh air each day. Lungs and heart function as they should as if on que. Eyes see as senses wake in concert with our brain that orchestrates decisions, muscle, joint movements in perfect synchronicity. We think this is all our doing, but, is it?A group of people jumping over rocks in the air.


For the purpose of this website, trusting the process has nothing to do with mathematical algorithms, or scientific discoveries of anything which, in and of itself, is a process. Instead, we open our minds and heart to a faith of spirituality. Here is the possibility that, right here right now, we let go of old, preconceived ideas, controlling fears, and most important, negative thinking and behaviors.

You are here because your Higher Self has already positioned you to a faith that shows your acceptance and willingness to change becomes real. What follows is an example of where you might be in your process:


For many of us, prayer and meditation, together with hope and faith, propel us forward toward the light of understanding, awareness, and all things possible. “Believing,” becomes seeing in the spiritual world.


Intuition is that sacred voice within each of us that bridges the gap (imagine a teeter-tauter) between logic and instinct. It is this perceptive-like state of knowing that guides us as we become aware. Often referred to as our God-Gut; our Higher Self, it is an honored place of confident Knowing deep within that moves us up-and-over our inner-critic. See Negative thoughts, criticism and perfection are but a few attributes that block our intuition. Practice in prayer and meditation opens channels of hope to allow ourselves to trust our intuitive selves.

A person in the middle of meditating with a light beam coming from their chest.Faith

A process of looking up to something greater, more powerful than us; faith is how we know we’re being led. In our pain, confusion and greatest of moments, it is the faith of our energy and positivity that encourages us to move forward. It is hope personified.


This part of the process begs several questions, the 12 Steps of recovery condition us to ask:

· Is what I want, or what I want to do, or what I need,my truth?

· Is it necessary?

· Will it enhance a greater good? and lastly, What would our Higher Power say?

These questions help to honor our authentic selves without regard for a myriad of negative and dis-powering false beliefs that hold us back.


In order to realize(to make real), the goodness of our unfolding, it must be with love that we acknowledge ourselves and others. Allowing others freedom to be who they are makes this possible. Anything else comes from a place of deceit, deception and diseased thinking.


Acceptance is the completion of the process that speaks to our assurance of being led. We quit fighting. We embrace our journey with courageous blind faith: side roads, setbacks and the road paved with our highest good because we are convinced,

if it were supposed to be different, it would be different. We accept what is.

I hope you will continueto trust your process of unfolding and return often.

Your miracles to a life recreated are waiting for you.

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