“Trusting your gut is always the best thing – no matter what people around you
insist you should be doing or saying or thinking. Only you know and once you
live in truth, your heart is completely free.” – Liberty Ross

A man and woman are looking at each other.A friend talked about how hard it is to say the word, no. Such a small, inconspicuous
two letter word can hold angst and incredible fear for many.

Some of us grew up with strong messages of, “Don’t you dare say no!” and
that if we did say it we were uncooperative, hurtful, or selfish. So, we stifled
ourselves and went along to get along, silently wishing we had just said no
and walked away. Obsessed with what others would think, too shy, or too

uncomfortable to appear contrary, we often let ourselves down. We found
consolation in the fact that we disappointed no one except ourselves with our
silence and punished ourselves for the sake of others.

Learning to say no begins when we make a pact promising to be true to ourselves
first. If we are honest, imagine how many times we would have said no
instead of yes? Saying this assertive word takes practice but as we say no to silly,
inconsequential matters, we begin to take our power back. We get to practice
when our children ask to sleep overnight at a friend’s house, and we prefer they
stay home. We practice when our husband says he’s ready for us to leave for the
game, when what we want is to stay home and do what we want to do.

Saying no moves us beyond the mistaken belief that we do not deserve to say
what we mean.

Recovery expects us to say no as we become stronger and elevate our voice.
When we say no because saying yes would have negative life-altering implications
for our family, or ourselves, we do so automatically and with conviction,
because we’ve practiced our truth on much smaller situations and have suffered
only minor repercussions. We will not be swayed, nor will we change
our minds. We’re ready to be heard and believed. No always means no.


Thank you, God, for my inner-child who grows stronger when I say no. My
voice resonates with strength, foreign but assured, as I protect boundaries for
myself, and those I love.


Trusting your gut is always the best thing – no matter what people around you
insist you should be doing or saying or thinking. Only you know and once you
live in truth, your heart is completely free.” – Liberty Ross

You can find Harriet’s Award-Winning Book right here Don’t forget to explore the FREEGIFT page too!

And always — if you like what you hear? Please share it with others who may also feel like you!~

Your Feedback is Welcomed and Important!