Look What People Are Saying About “Miracles of Recovery”

Polly P., Texas

“My daughter-in-law gave me a copy of your book, “Miracles of Recovery” and I was so touched by your book that I purchased ten copies to give as Christmas gifts. God takes our broken hearts and allows us to create such beauty, if only we listen and follow. Thank you for creating such a beautiful book out of your pain and blessing my life and so many others.

I’m excited for your next book and your continued contribution to God and Recovery. Thank you so much for “Miracles of Recovery.”

D. Uhl, Colorado

“Miracles of Recovery is a daily reading of how we can cope
with life on life terms. I highly recommend this book.”


L. Roberts, Tallahassee

“You inspire me to be more positive about my future. Thanks for sharing such positive thoughts.”

Glenda R., Bonifay

“Each time I listen to your audios, you bring tears to my eyes. They are just what I need to hear in the mornings! Your readings from Miracles of Recovery,
are a part of taking care of me.”


William C., New Jersey

I’ve been reading your book every night. I don’t know if you are aware of the impact and help you are providing….but you are having a big impact on me. Your recent commentary provided something I never realized, born with love, fear is learned. Very interesting incite. Keep up the important work!!!


Anthony Capozzolli, Dismantled Life Podcast; Owner and Founder
A Podcast about Addiction and recovery

Miracles of Recovery has been a feast for my recovering soul. Every page is filled with love and helpful insights that lead to discovery. I read each page by date and randomly turn to other pages for an additional spiritual hug when I need one. It’s almost as if Harriet wrote her wonderful book for me. Page after page hits so close to home I often tear up from positive awareness and clarity of emotion.”

A person standing on top of a mountain with the sun in the background.

“I am looking for guests to tell their story on Dismantled Life to help
other addicts find, stay or get back on the path to sobriety. Anthony”